At Jones, we’ve enjoyed sharing people’s crafts with our REEL LABELS! For this series we teamed up with our friends at Sub Pop and Hardly Art. Both record labels are dedicated to working with emerging, independent bands with unique perspectives. As an independent soda company, we’re honored to help showcase their independent artists. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite band!

Find these captivating bottles in the wild. Check our store locator to find a store near you. Then hunt down the Jones Soda bottles with the REEL LABELS logo!

The bottle label with your phone camera

The full story behind the Reel Label
Not all devices currently support our AR experience. Google is constantly working with manufacturers to make sure their hardware and designs meet requirements so they can be certified for AR. Please see the Google website for ARCore supported devices.

We'll select 15 content creators to be featured on a round of Reel Labels. Winners will be able to see a still from their video on Jones bottles found across North America. Videos can be viewed when scanned through the Jones Soda App.
AND 15 runner-ups will win a prize pack! Could be some Jones swag, a content creator kit, or a year's supply of Jones Soda. See contest rules for full details.